(#19) Latin Dance Lessons
Hi All,
I start 6 weeks (6 Sundays) of Latin Dance lessons on Jan. 29th. My friend Bernie (Bernandette) is taking them with me and hopefully there will be some unattached men there to dance with too. I'll let you know how it's going and post photos when I get them. Have a great week! Sue
Well today is Jan. 29th and I made it through my first dance lesson, CHA-CHA-CHA!
It dosen't seem like excercise, but it feels like it when the class is over. We learned basic Salsa steps (Quick-Quick-Slow) and basic Merrengae (sp?) steps (side together-side together-side tap) and then we danced around in a circle and luckily got to change partners (since I didn't have one). It's a lot of fun and I think I'm catching on. We'll see how much I remember next week. Have a great week! Sue
Today is Sunday 2/5/06 and I made it through another class. Whew! Today we learned how to spin our partners and that was fun. I'm still catching on to the Latin beat and trying hard not to look at my feet :). It really is a lot of fun and dosen't feel like excercise at all, until your walking to your car. Then it's more like Oh-Oh, Whoa, instead of Quick-Quick-Slow.
Have an awesome week! Sue
Today is 2/12/2006 and I had my 3rd Salsa lesson. Today we did Cumbia (side tap, side together,then reverse). Also getting good and turns and I'm almost ending up in the right spot on the correct foot most of the time. It's getting easier, but I'm not sure I'll be able to go dancing without the Instructor calling out "1-2-3-4" "1-2-3-4". It's a lot of fun and good exercise. I recommend you all go out and try it. Or do something different and fun this week. Have a great one! Sue
HA HA Tommy Jack! Your wife told me this is you. What goes around comes around, just remember :) Sue
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