Sue and her 50 new things before she turns 50

My adventures on the way to 50, while trying 50 new things I've never tried before. Heading to 50 fast and furiously, no holds barred, take no prisoners and most importantly trying to survive it all!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

(#43 )The Nixon Museum and Library

Hi All,
Today Tony and I went to the Richard Nixson Museum in Yorba Linda. We stopped on our way out of town after spending the weekend in Yorba Linda for the Cancer Relay. It was a nice experience, I really enjoyed the personal notes (AKA: Love Notes, "Chick" stuff) between he and Pat Nixson and all their family stuff. Tony was more interested in the Historical stuff related to his Presidency (AKA: the "Guy" Stuff). We got to go through the Helicopter and the family home, see the burial sites of he and Pat, then there is also a replica of the East room of the White house and an entire large room dedicated to White House "Horse" History from all Presidencies. There are life size statues of important men of History and videos of his Funeral and speeches too. It was a good day.
I remember a Quote from one of his last speeches that was especially memorable for me "Without risk there are no defeats, but with risk we can achieve victories".
Have a Great Week! Sue

Friday, August 04, 2006

(# 42) 24hr Fund Raising Relay For Cancer 8-11-06 to 8-12-06

Well we did it! Our team "Old Guys Rule" raised over $5,500. The event raised over $109,000. Tony and I went early to help Gil set up on Friday before noon (the first team to get set up :), but the event didn't officially start until 3PM Friday the 11th. Gil was awake almost the entire 24hrs, but most of us only did our assigned laps then came and went. We also came back and stayed most of day 2. We had a great time and getting together and hanging out with old friends like Gil DaVila (Our Team Capt.) and family, Anita (Lewis)La Fuze and meeting new friends was also great. The hightlight of the event was Gil competing in the "Miss Relay Contest" (He was first runner up). There were a lot of emotional times too, as people lit candles for loved ones memories and the surviors walk, etc., but all in all it was a very positive uplifting event and I feel we all made a difference in our own small way. I hope and pray you all do something to make a difference in your own way to help beat this terrible disease. I wish my Capt.(Thanks Gil!) had given me a better time other than 1AM to 2 AM to do my lap and make my difference, but hey it was worth it just to see Tony try to sleep in a little girls mini-tent that belongs to Gil's 8 y/o daughter Annie. Have a great week everyone! Sue