(# 24) The Segway is a great way to have fun.

This weekend my friend and I went to Mission Bay down in San Diego. We went to Little Italy (never been there before either, but I'm not going to count that) and Seaport Village for lunch. Then we rented Segway "Human Transport Systems" and rode them up and down the beach along Mission Bay. It was really fun, and the Segway is a great way to have a little bit of fun. "We had a splendid time". We were the coolest nerds on the beach. In fact several people yelled "Those are so cool"(I'm sure they were talking about the Segways, not us) as we raced up and down the sidewalk at a break neck speed of about 2 miles an hour. Segways are a lot of fun and all about balancing. Lean forward to go, stand up straight to stop and lean back to back up. Very easy and very simple. We learned to ride them in about 5 minutes and they made us do a little obstacle course in the rental place, but once you pass the course (which is not hard trust me) they let you go out and have fun. I think sidewalks without sand would be a safer trek, because the tires slide a bit if you take off to fast, but the beach is always so beautiful you just can't beat it. I would definitely do this again. I think everybody should try this at least once. Have a splendid week :) Sue