(#5) Leg waxing

Hi Everybody,
Well today I went for my leg waxing (that's 5). I waited almost 49 years to experience this and I will probably be just fine waiting another 49 to try that again, if ever. It wasn't so much the pain of the hot wax being smeared against your flesh or the riping out of the hair by the roots in large patches that I minded so much, in fact some people probably like that kind of thing. However the hours it takes to get the stray drips of wax off the odd places it seems to be able to find, like between your toes and your elbow that I really find most objectionable about the whole process.
As I lay on the table watching this procedure, I couldn't help but wonder, 'Who on Earth started this' ? Really now, who was the brains behind this whole crazy process? Was someone just sitting around one day with a melted candle and going "hey I think I'll smear this hot wax on my legs and rip my hair out"?
If anyone knows the answer to this or any other valuable insights as to why anyone would do this more than once, please let me know.
On another note, some of you have asked for pictures to be posted. I will when I can.
Thanks for stopping by! Sue